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June 2011 Archives

June 14, 2011

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I think we need something other than me, wrapped in duct tape, at the top of this blog, if only for my own sanity.

I'm in LA for work, this week, so most of what I would post about is "I had a nice meeting." and "Oh yah, this is what wearing shoes is like!" Not very interesting stuff.

So instead, here is a picture of Darwin with the first bloom from our little rose garden and a sprig of lilac.

Season's first rose_06

And if that isn't entertaining enough, you can read the poetic missives

of some *ahem* admirers I had on flickr, who are now no longer permitted to opine on my photos. They get pretty colorful near the end. You've been warned.

The moral of this post: The internet is for pervs and pets.

New post

I think we need something other than me, wrapped in duct tape, at the top of this blog, if only for my own sanity.

I'm in LA for work, this week, so most of what I would post about is "I had a nice meeting." and "Oh yah, this is what wearing shoes is like!" Not very interesting stuff.

So instead, here is a picture of Darwin with the first bloom from our little rose garden and a sprig of lilac.

Season's first rose_06

And if that isn't entertaining enough, you can read the poetic missives

of some *ahem* admirers I had on flickr, who are now no longer permitted to opine on my photos. They get pretty colorful near the end. You've been warned.

The moral of this post: The internet is for pervs and pets.

About June 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Marnie, speak! Good girl. in June 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2011 is the previous archive.

July 2011 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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