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It's good to be home

Stitches was great and I'll have more to tell you about soon, but as much fun as I had at Stitches, there were two sweet faces that were always on my mind. Being back home with Leo and Miss Panda Bear, is wonderful.

I flew in late on Sunday and first thing Monday, we packed up the fur ball and headed to the beach. Now, Dawn insists that she hasn't had enough Panda recently and I'm taking her at her word, so without further ado, here's a serious Panda fix, sans any normal blog content.

Lots more Panda, after the bump.

There's not much to say that I haven't said before about our trips to the beach, so I'll just let the pictures stand on their own.

Yes, I'm pretty sure she's laughing at me here. I think it's something about "crazy women who post pictures of their dogs online." Luckily, I don't speak dog, so it doesn't bother me.

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Comments (13)

I agree with Dawn. Panda pictures always make my day. :D

Glad to see you are back home and settled into your routine again. :) Whenever I am busy (with traveling or busy out and about), it's always so nice to come home and re-establish my routine. :)


Those pics are SO cute!!! I love posts featuring miss Panda Bear:)

i ahve a question to ask ya. i'm trying to decide what sock pattern to use for the yarn i'm posting on my blog for my sockpal000za pal. i was thinking about using your wyvern pattern, or maybe the potwatawhatever on what do you think? gimme some time, i haven't posted yet, lol.

I too love the last pix of a wet Panda. What a cutie!

That dog is just beautiful. And she's even more beautiful because she's so obviously happy and healthy and adored!


All Panda, all the time! (with a bit of knitting thrown in sometimes!)

Wonderful pictures! What fun, fetch and water!!!!


When I was at my mom's last week (making cherry pie!), there was some dog thing on TV. There were men and their dogs and frisbees. It was a competition, of course. And all of the dogs were little collies! It made me think of Panda. I bet she could totally beat them if she tried. ~_^

That picture of Panda all wet is just too great!

~sigh~ thanks for a much-needed Panda fix. Any chance of getting a close-up of her nose? Dog and cat noses are just made for smooching.

PANDA! Acck, that last picture is almost too cute to handle. kisses to Pandaschmoo!

Her face is so cute on that picture of her wet!

I hope you are feeling better. I went to stitches yesterday, but didn't take any classes. I just wandered through all of the glorious yarn with my hubby and 2 kids. I had a great time!

Panda is cute. I think she is saying, "throw the camera...I will fetch that, too..."


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2006 7:11 PM.

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