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« I'm knitting with sunshine | Main | Shawl Project Notes »

I'm knitting with sunshine

I just think you need to see how beautiful that Almost Solid Roving is when spun and knit.

I knit this while commuting, just trying to think of different stitches off the top of my head. That's why the lacy bit at the top is kind of wonky. I think I'm going to have to spin up more and see if I can come up with a cute scarf pattern. My gut is to go with a mitten/glove/mitt sort of pattern, but I have so many of those, it feels like a bit of a cop out. I can't really do a hat, because that color looks pretty bad right against my face. I'm sure a scarf isn't really better, but since I have this scarf already, and it's never bothered me, I figure another yellow scarf won't hurt.

In case you are wondering, I've also spun up that other Almost Solid shade I bought. It's drying now.

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Comments (11)

Awesome blog. Peace out until next time TabathaOster

What a great color! Even your experimental swatch is fascinating to look at. What about gloves with extra long cuffs where you can add some of your fancy lace stitches?

Gorgeous handspun! How about a neckwarmer with complimentary buttons?

That is so beautiful!

What beautiful yarn! I especially like the way the colors work in the center panel. Very pretty.

Beautiful, I love yellow even though I look horrid in it. I may have to wander over to Amy's....

Gorgeous. Can't wait to see it and you in person. xox, J

Ooh, that really does look pretty. And I agree with Leah--you're incredibly fast on that spindle of yours!


You are the most prolific spindle spinner I think I have ever seen. I can't keep up with you with a wheel!

You go girl with you pretty fibers and gorgeous colors and designing and all!

I am in awe!

I like the gradations in color in that yarn. Very pretty.
And I'm kind of digging that middle pattern in your swatch there. It reminds me of a flowering plant growing in the grass or something...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2006 6:24 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Shawl Project Notes.

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