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« G'day? I'll say! | Main | Keep going while the going is good »

G'day? I'll say!

Last night there was a package for me.

It was from Australia.

It hasn't been light out during any time since I got it, so just know that these pictures don't do the contents justice.
If you would like to see what's inside, it's all after the bump.

The package is from Lynn, whose generosity obviously knows no bounds. Check out my haul, in no particular order.

First, there was chocolate.

A woman after my own heart.

I'm not sure the makeup of this one, but the color is a gorgeous blend of teals, blues and black, and it's very soft.

Then, there was this heaping pile of the softest alpaca ever. It was marked at Silver Suri Alpaca. I wish you could all touch this stuff. It's like a cloud mated with a silkworm and this is what the baby feels like.

Then there was some cashmere top. If anyone has any suggestions for me for spinning this, do let me know. Same with any of these, actually. I can use all the advice you have.

This is 100 grams of fiber from Wendy Dennis' shop. The fiber is Polwarth and the color is a delightful candy pink. Check out her site. All her sheep wear sweaters to keep their coats nice.

This is some Silk Throwster's Waste which I think will spin up into a nice textured yarn.

And some silk top rounding out the collection of rovings.

And finally, this adorable felt doggy who I LOVE.

If everyone in Australia is half as nice as Lynn, I want to move there. But knowing that probably isn't feasible, I'll simply have to spin my lovely new fibers instead.

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Comments (8)

Have fun spinning! Can't wait to see pics of the finished results . . .

Oh, whoops - the blue/black tops are merino. 100% Australian merino. I shoved that in the bag so long ago as I collected stuff that I had forgotten I had put it in!

The cashmere fiber that I've had has been very short staple, so it'll take a light spindle and a lot of twist to keep it together. And it'll want to spin FINE. Think laceweight.

You got great swag. Have fun with it!

How gorgeous - I'm just drooling all over my keyboard here, don't mind me. Have you snuggled with it yet? It's ok, you can tell me, I can keep a secret...


My favorite color is blue, but my favorite of those rovings is the silk. I do like jewel tones. ^__^

(And in answer to the little email you sent me. My boyfriend just seems to have an aversion to sweaters. He gets plenty cold, so that's not the reason he won't wear them. I'm sure he was scarred by some scratchy Cosby sweaters in his childhod. LOL)

I can't wait to see what the black and blue looks like when it's all spun up! I don't spin myself, but I love the magic other people work!

I want to climb into that Silver Suri Alpaca and take a nap.

Wow! Great package. Chocolate is universal, isn't it?

I think the colors of the first fiber [blue/teal] are devine! Can't wait to see them when you spin all of this up!


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