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« Do I get a Nom De Plume? | Main | 18 hours in the air, 6 hours in airports and a night in a lovely hotel »

Do I get a Nom De Plume?

What do you say when someone whose blog you love writes you and says she'd love to work on a book with you?
You say, "SURE!"
What do you then say when she asks if you can design the ugliest patterns known to man... out of acrylic yarn circa 1965?
Well, I still said yes and am now looking into various witness protection programs. I hear the French have an excellent one. Oui Oui!
The result is that I have my name in one of the most hilarious books out there.
It's like her blog on paper. What would you call that? A plog? Darn new fangled contraptions!
For those whose sarcasm-dar is malfunctioning, that was a joke
You can click on the image to go get yourself a copy, just promise me that you won't judge me by the patterns, except to conclude that sometimes, it takes a certain skill to make something truly ugly. That's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night. It's my mantra.

On another note, I leave for India on Sunday, so if I haven't replied to your comments, it's not because I'm rude or hate you, I'm just scurrying around all day, trying to get things in order. Expect light or non-existent blogging and emailing all next week. If I can get a good connection during my "me" time, I'll post updates. Otherwise, you'll hear all about it upon my return.

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Comments (15)

That book looks like it's going to be a riot. I can't wait to see a copy.

Have a good time on your trip!

kat coyle:

can't wait to see this book. it looks brilliant! have a great trip.


Have a great time....


*sound of head slumping on keyboard as kitsch pictures melt brain*


Have a great time....


*sound of head slumping on keyboard as kitsch pictures melt brain*

Yack - I thought the first post didn't take! Sorry for the repetition --

Have an amazing trip -
eat good food -
take lots of photos -
check out the textiles -
can't wait to hear about it!!

Have an amazing trip and take lots of photos so we can look at them on your blog!

Oh ... your trip to India! Have a good time.

Cool, you got it! I was worried that the delivery guy would just dump it in a lake or something rather than bothering to find your house.

You, my darling, are the kitsch master! And I'm so glad you risked losing your craft cred on the bus by working on these things in public. The tie was a huge hit at the Book Expo!

You added that special something to the book that made it more than making fun of stuff. By having these crazy patterns, it makes the book more about enjoying the badness rather than just pointing and laughing.

Thank you thank you for being so brilliant! I look forward to future endeavors and eventual world domination. :)

Congrats! Is it wrong that I like the cover hat? Never mind, it probably is.


Hmm,does leaving the country have anything to do with having kitschy patterns in print???


Have a fantastic time in India! I've always wanted to go there. Congrats on the book! Can't wait to check it out.

Sweet! Can't wait to check it out. Congrats!

YAY! India! I expect a full foodie report when you get back :)

and YAY! Book! Can't wait to see it!

Very cool!

And have a safe trip, and a good time while you're travelling!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 29, 2006 6:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Do I get a Nom De Plume?.

The next post in this blog is 18 hours in the air, 6 hours in airports and a night in a lovely hotel.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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