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« I'll share if you promise not to make me listen | Main | If crafting were a narcotic, we'd need Betty Ford »

I'll share if you promise not to make me listen

The audio of the blogher session I was in, and several others, have been posted. You can listen as long as you promise not to ever ever ever make me listen with you.

The MP3 file is here.

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Comments (7)


You don't have to listen, but I'm glad it's posted. It was a great panel, with strong contributions from each of the participants.

Yay! I look forward to giving it a listen!

You were great in that session. I was too shy to meet you afterwards, but I was there. :)

You were great in that session. I was too shy to meet you afterwards, but I was there. :)


Thank you so much for posting the MP3 link. The panel is fascinating. I'm so glad you were there to add a lot of great insights about knitting blogs. Way to go, Marnie.

I have been listening to you and you sound so nice and inviting. Thank you for sharing that with your blog readers. I think it is awesome!

Let me don't like the sound of your own voice? I don't like the sound of my voice...why is that?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 18, 2006 6:12 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I'll share if you promise not to make me listen.

The next post in this blog is If crafting were a narcotic, we'd need Betty Ford.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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