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« The roving is safe | Main | Shakin' my bon-bon »

The roving is safe

You can all rest easily. I did not run out of candy. The supply of roving has not been depleted and even our jack-o-lantern is still whole (albeit a smidge withered)

Being the frigid evening that it was, we thought it best to light a big ol' fire instead of relying on our heating system. If we hadn’t we know that every time we opened the door, we'd be channeling our inner crotchety old man and worrying about "heating the whole neighborhood". So down went the thermostat and up when the kindling.

The trick-or-treaters were few and far between but so adorable and polite!

Faces blurred to protect the adorable

At the end of the night, we still had a full bowl and a half of candy, which Leo has been slowly funneling to his colleagues. If you aren't much for networking, this is a great way to earn brownie points.

Unbloggable knitting is still full steam ahead but when I can't be entirely focused on knitting, I have granted myself a little bit of time to spin. This is the beautiful Merino/Viscose roving I got from Janel, in colorway, "Autumn."

If your heart didn't just skip a beat, you may want to check your pulse.

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Comments (7)


That roving is beautiful and looks great spun!

Just beautiful! I definitely have a pulse!

Gorgeous, gorgeous yarn!

Pulse, check. Drool, check. That roving is...well, to say it's "pretty" wouldn't do it justice. I don't know what to call it, but I know I want to pet it!

Pulse, check. Drool, check. That roving is...well, to say it's "pretty" wouldn't do it justice. I don't know what to call it, but I know I want to pet it!

That roving is amazing. I just got some really pretty roving from Ashland Bay and I can barely sit still in my office. It's freaking killing me.

Thanks for holding my hand through the sewing ordeal last night. Must finish apron!

xox, J


Yep, I definitely got a pulse! Lovely!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 2, 2006 5:07 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Shakin' my bon-bon.

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