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« Caption me | Main | Sometimes its good to be frugal. »

Caption me

Leo told me today about this cute program called Comic Life. It has all the templates, colors and fonts needed to make your own fun little comics.

After taking a particularly silly picture of Miss Thea-Purl, I decided it was perfect for the cover of an imaginary comic book about twisted puppies and their evil thoughts.


Alas, creativity escapes me, and the inner machinations of her mischievous mind have not been revealed to me. Any thoughts?

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Comments (16)

Yumm, that Schacht sure was Matchless!

Everything is following my plan . . . today doggie toys, tomorrow the world!

I wonder how long it will take her to figure out I secretly rip out her knitting while she sleeps????

Mmm...I wonder if it's possible to digest brass...

Mwahahahahah!! She'll never withstand my mighty Powers of Cuteness!

I can't beleive that Marnie spent so much time making me into a comic character! Doesn't she have a job?

OK... So, I'll get up, run to the kitchen where I'll lose my traction and slam into a cupboard. From there, I'll knock over the water dish and track the water across something valuable. Then, I'll run through the yarn dangling between the WIP and the ball; not around... must go through... At that point, I'll work on getting Panda riled up, probably biting or grunting will do the trick.

OK. On the count of three...


She think's I'm sleeping... ha ha ha! Wait till she turns her back - that yarn is MINE!!

"Hmm...Maybe if I just lay here real still like and act like these other toys, Panda will come over and play with me..."


I'll never grow into these legs you don't put that yarn down and feed me...


...I wonder if her legs are made of bacon...

I heard something about "kitchener". Does that mean dinner is soon?




K2 tog, yo, K2 tog, yo.... Damn, now she's got ME hooked!

Katie K:

After destroying Marnie's stash, these toys just aren't fun anymore.


"hmmm, that new spindle looks t a s t y !"


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 2007 7:35 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Caption me.

The next post in this blog is Sometimes its good to be frugal..

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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