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« Thea's out of class and some cartoons | Main | A sort of anniversary »

Thea's out of class and some cartoons

Well, Thea had her last puppy agility class. The last two classes were the best classes she'd had. Instead of focusing on one obstacle and then getting back in line (waaaaay boring for a Cattle Dog mix) we actually worked a series of obstacles for each turn. Thea loved it. I think that being able to chain the obstacles, keeps her from over thinking it. It's just fun.

IMG_0015.JPG IMG_0016.JPG IMG_0017.JPG IMG_0019.JPG

I'm not saying she was perfect, but she did a pretty darn good job for a 6 month old.

We're taking a short hiatus from school so that Thea can get spayed, but it was enough fun for both of us that I plan to sign us up for more.

I'm going to miss her classmates, some of whom you can see below.

IMG_0026.JPG IMG_0028.JPG

Pictured are Moose, Bella, Saba and Maggie. Not pictured, but much enjoyed, are Julia and Toby. Hopefully I'll see them in future classes!

In unrelated news, I'm thinking about redesigning the ol' website. My last redesign was in 2005 and while I like it fine, I've been thinking about a little change. I've done a couple of very simple sketches.

thea275.gif panda_300.gif

I think I want to go back to having a clean white background and simple graphics. I'm playing around now and will see if I can come up with something that makes me happy.

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Comments (22)


Ooooh! I look forward to seeing your new design.

I still like this one, but a clean white background and simple graphics would be a good change! :)


You SKETCHED those? I LOVE them! Consider this my very enthusiastic vote for those sketches to be in the new design!

And give Thea a good belly scratch for me for completing her class!! I can't even get my dog sit most of the time! ;)

What cute sketches! :)


I love the sketches! Can't wait to see the new design!

That sounds like fun. We don't have a dog, but I'd like to. We have a large Maine Coon cat, and I'm not sure how he'd react to another pet. He's pretty spoiled.


I love the sketches of your babies! But, to be acurate, shouldn't they have some nice freshly spun on their noses?

I love the sketches of your Dogs and you captured them to a tee...

Yay Thea! I just know she had a blast. Now you need an obstacle course for the back yard...

Congrats to Thea (and mum) for completing the agility class. Well done! I heart the sketches of the girls!

Looks like a fun class!! It's always nice to start over :) Those are great pup drawings!

Congratulations, Thea! I'm glad you two had so much fun!


The sketches of the girls are great, but they should really both be modeling some knitting or crocheting. It is amazing how many skills you have. The only one you appear to be lacking is the ability to eat peas.

Your "simple" sketches look adorable!

beware - agility is addicting! I started out with my cattle dog mix with one beginner class. we are now competing on a regular basis!!! :)

Can't wait to see what you come up with. LOVE the "sketches" they look so professional!

The sketches are amazing! Just like looking at photos of Panda & Thea.


So now you can sketch AND knit? Is there anything you can't do? Great sketches of the dogs-you really capture their personality.

I like your Panda sketch :) Congrats to Thea for excelling in her class!

Hooray for agility! Yay Thea!

Man, I am so jealous of the agility classes. I need to look into that for Bella. Or maybe just some obedience classes.

Love, love, LOVE the sketches. You really captured their individual schmoo-ness.

Hey, incidentally, I don't know what you may or may not have change (if anything), but tonight was the first time in a long time that I got an actual confirmation of my comment, instead of an error message or a blank screen . . . Thought you should know! Chappy says hi.

Cute pictures, you've got there. I wish I could draw.... (grin) Puppy agility must have been FUN.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 23, 2007 6:19 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A sort of anniversary.

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