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« Blog, I miss you. Here are more dogs at the beach. | Main | A happy Halloween »

Blog, I miss you. Here are more dogs at the beach.

If you knew how badly my housework were suffering, you wouldn't think this blog seemed nearly so neglected.

Luckily, what's keeping me busy is all interesting stuff. I'm doing some work for Twist Collective including a little behind the scenes stuff, which is challenging but satisfying. I'm, of course, designing some knits. I'm taking some improv classes with my friend, Erica. I'm even taking a few (non-improv) courses over at a local university. So, with all that going on, blogging has necessarily taken a back seat, to ensure those cutie patooties I live with, get a little time with me too.

I hope, for now, you'll be satisfied with a few more doggy pictures. They certainly make me smile.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

1. IMG_0265.JPG, 2. IMG_0207.JPG, 3. IMG_0283.JPG, 4. IMG_0029.JPG, 5. IMG_0178.JPG, 6. IMG_0136.JPG, 7. IMG_0241.JPG, 8. IMG_0130.JPG, 9. IMG_0148.JPG, 10. IMG_0171.JPG, 11. IMG_0053.JPG, 12. IMG_0119.JPG, 13. IMG_0164.JPG14. IMG_0053.JPG 15. IMG_0119.JPG 16. IMG_0164.JPG

Entire set found here.

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

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Comments (5)


I'm going to my daughter's as soon as I vote Tuesday. I'm sure the baby will be excited to see all the new "puppy" pictures. She really loves Panda & Thea (& who could question her taste?)!

Hey! Good to see you! I've been wondering how you've been! And, puppy pics are always a welcome sight! :)

How could happy-doggy pictures NOT make you smile??

Everytime you post pictures I get exciting to get to Portland. Too bad I won't be there for very long....

We still on for next week? I think Friday for dinner or lunch or something would work best as Monday is sort of bad. If Friday doesn't work, I could probably do evening on Saturday or Sunday after teaching.


Gorgeous pictures! My dogs are jealous of your dogs getting out to the beach. Thanks for the link to Twist Collective. What an impressive online magazine.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 30, 2008 5:34 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Blog, I miss you. Here are more dogs at the beach..

The next post in this blog is A happy Halloween.

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