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« Stuff that is making me happy. | Main | For the guy who lives with all my yarn, here's something made of yarn »

Stuff that is making me happy.

I've got my nose buried in my latest project. The yarn was a little delayed so it's going to be tight, but so far, I'm really happy with how it's going.

So since that project is pretty much all I'm doing, all I can blog about are the other distractions in my life, like, say:

A delicious dinner at Albert Oysters with my guy. It was so good he ordered Oysters for dessert, and then, he ordered some proper dessert.

Alberta Oysters
1. Leo makes a face in front of the day's fresh oysters, 2. Two each of six types of fresh oysters, 3. The remnants of the dozen oysters, 4. Entrees, 5. A second round of oysters, 6. Closeup of the shells
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

And my brand new Twist Collective bag, which is made of pure awesome.

Twist Bag

Oh and my dogs, who are also made of awesome.


Guess who wants a belly rub.

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Comments (3)

ran across your blog while i was surfin' around some others. and you have some great content here. there's lots to check out and i'm really enjoying my stay. i'd like to invite you for a pop on over to my blog if you'd like. i'd love to have you. :) i've subscribed to your feed so i'll be coming back for sure.


You know you can always get us with the puppy pics!


YOU are made of awesome!!! love that bag and love your pups :)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 21, 2009 4:35 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Stuff that is making me happy..

The next post in this blog is For the guy who lives with all my yarn, here's something made of yarn.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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