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One year

One year ago, today, I had to teach myself to stop referring to Leo as my boyfriend and start calling him my, *gulp* "husband."

Very serious footwear

After nine and a half years of dating, that was hard. I'm pretty sure I've called him "my boyfriend" as recently as last week. Luckily, I mostly need to refer to him as "Leo" which has not changed since getting married.

Leo's been unemployed since February of last year. I work from home. We have spent, quite literally, almost every waking hour and all non-waking hours together, in our first year of marriage. One of two things could have happened in that time. Either one of us was going to snap, Lizzy Borden style, or we'd adapt, adjust and grow even closer. I think we've managed the latter, thanks in part to having saved up a bit of money, and having fantastic dogs to keep us laughing. (Seriously, how can anyone stay mad when dogs are being goofy?)

In truth, being married doesn't feel any different than not being married. It really was a formality for us, to ensure that everything we had was co-owned, that we'd be able to see each other in the hospital if something horrible happened and to ensure that we could take advantage of the other person's insurance, should one of us end up unemployed.

But even if our intentions in getting married, weren't romantic, I'm still really glad we did. Leo makes me laugh every day, we don't fight about religion, politics, money, whether or not to have kids, or really much of anything at all (except the merits of freezing one's head. Sorry, I'm just not sold on the viability of a Futurama like future for us.) If money were no object, we might have flown somewhere beautiful or taken off a week and had a belated honeymoon. But maybe we'd have done exactly what we did, which was to pack up the puppies, drive to the coast and enjoy a fantastically beautiful Friday and a big juicy burger we could share with the mutts.

Either way, it was a very happy anniversary celebration for all of us.

One Year Anniversary

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Comments (16)

This is so sweet!
Happy happy anniversary :)


Happy anniversary, you two! You're so cute, it kills me. Matt and I were the same way - dated for 9.5 yrs before marriage in 2004. Good times. :) It used to drive Matt nuts that I would introduce him as "This is my friend Matt..." Now, sometimes, I say "This is my first husband Matt..." ;)


How lovely! Lucky you! Here's to the next and the next and the next! (ad infinitum)

Happy anniversary.

I am so happy for you all.

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Marnie and Leo! Wow, that year went by fast!

What a sweet story, congratulations! Also, just love that picture!

Patty Hudson:

Happy Happy Anniversary! Congratulations!

happy anniversary! : ) YAY

Happy Anniversary.

It sounds like the two of you are real soulmates that can enjoy each other without going to fancy places... which I think is a blessing as fancy places come and go but a close friend turned husband is there for good.

Wow, has it been a year already? Congratulations!

Janice in GA:

We didn't get married till 11 years after we started "dating", so I've got you beat. :) It was a good decision for us to, and I'm delighted to know that y'all are happy together too!

Happy Anniversary! Long life and good health to you all, and much joy with it!

yea happy anniversary! I also have a similar story - my husband and I dated for 10 years before we were married. (HS sweethearts) and now that we're in CA we spend SO much time together and it's absolutely been so fun!

I wish you so many more happy years!!

Happy Anniversary. For us it will be 12 years of marriage after nearly that long together without. What you said is basically the same for us. The intentions may not have been romantic, but it has been a life full of romance, fun and laughter. For me I think that p"romance" can be over-rated with too many expectations set against it. Happiness is more difficult to define.


Happy anniversary!


Aw, Happy Anniversary!!!!! I can't believe it has been a year already, time does fly!!! You really summed up everything that I felt when my husband and I were married. We had been together for five years before we were married. September of this year is our 10 year wedding anniversary. It's been an amazing journey together. :)

I love the picture that you posted! You both look so happy and I love really love your socks!!!


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