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« Aasha | Main | 5th Anniversary Edition of Twist »

5 Years

Five years ago, today, Twist Collective launched its first edition.


Kate contacted me, a few months before, asking if I'd like to contribute a pattern and I jumped at the chance. When I saw the spread in the magazine, I couldn't be more excited about the end product.

Well, it's 5 years later, and I'm not just a contributor, I'm also a production assistant and count Kate as one of my dearest friends. Here is sit, 3000 miles from home at Twist Collective headquarters, ready to celebrate the start of another 5 years and more.

If you want to get in on the celebration, please be sure to read the Twist Collective blog, like them on Facebook, follow them at Twitter, and join their Ravelry group. We'll be giving away a ton of amazing prizes donated by our generous sponsors.

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Comments (1)


Congratulations! It doesn't seem like 5 years... Still love looking at each new issue. Keep up the great work!


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