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« Scenic | Main | First carved pumpkin »


I feel like I haven't had much in the way of craftiness to offer you guys lately. That probably won't change much in the next couple of weeks. I'm knee deep in unbloggable stuff and even El Matchador is feeling the slight. I do, however, have some Panda cuteness and Pacific Northwest autumnal beauty. If that sounds interesting to you, keep-a-scrolling!

Sunday, we decided that Panda was well overdue for some running around and chasing the "squirrel". We didn't make it as far as the beach, just over to the same park we visited, not so very long ago.

It was a gorgeous day, mild, sunny, perfect for wearing out a high energy dog.

That toy got a nice coating of slobber.

Once Panda was exhausted (or at least in need of a break,) I took to wandering around the park and snapping pictures. I could fill this blog with the pictures I took. There are pear trees, apple trees, berries of all sorts, all just growing in a tiny little park tucked away in Portland.

There's a colorway in here somewhere.

As we were heading back home, Leo and I decided that maybe we should take advantage of the beautiful day and do some sight seeing. Since it was relatively warm and Panda was a bit tuckered out, we decided to drop her off at home.

From there, we just took off.

In the areas we drove around, yellow and a touch of red really dominate the autumn colors. I don't recall seeing much orange at all. This part of Oregon is greener than I recall New Hampshire being, when I lived there, and it's definitely warmer.


Aww, those pumpkins look so delicious pretty.

And since it is a lovely October day, we had to stop by a pumpkin patch. While I love those vivid orange pumpkins, we got ourselves a classic one. The plan? We'll carve him up, rip out his guts and bake up the seeds, Then we'll stick a burning flame in him, set him out for the kids to gawk at and, Leo plans to smash him after Halloween. Somehow, it all seemed less violent when we originally discussed the idea.



All of this, within an hour's drive from our humble little home. We were back before Panda finished her nap.

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Comments (21)


Wow, America is so beautifull country ! I just love this autums photos :)


I really love the photos - Oregon looks lovely, such great fall colours! Thanks for all your photo journals - it's lovely to get to see far off parts of the world (I'm in the UK with little chance of getting to Oregon!)


I really love the photos - Oregon looks lovely, such great fall colours! Thanks for all your photo journals - it's lovely to get to see far off parts of the world (I'm in the UK with little chance of getting to Oregon!)


Your Portland photos are gorgeous! Sigh, I am so jealous to be missing autumn! Everything looks exactly the same here in southwest AZ as it did when I arrived here 4 months ago.

That pumpkin is gorgeous - how could you leave it there?

Nice collection of photo's - Panda looks so happy!

Thanks for sharing.

What an idyllic life! I always enjoy your photo essays :)

Panda looks really contented in that last pic. Oregon looks really beautiful. Looking through your photos makes me more excited about visiting western USA next year. =D

High Energy Dog! I have one of those too.

High Energy Dog! I have one of those too.

Thanks for the wonderful Fall photos! I just bought a pumpkin to carve, too, and realized that I will be the sole carver this year, thanks to B's arm injury. Wish us luck! Well, the seeds will be tasty, at least!

Such beautiful, beautiful scenery!

Lovely pictures. I bought three pumpkins to carve. I don't know what I was thinking. Do you know how much muscle it takes to carve a pumpkin? Makes you understand the urge to smash them. Definitely make sure your knife is sharp!

I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying the area. I know I do and I think Fall is my favorite. And here, you get to wear your pretty scarves and hats and you will be very glad to have them! I find that a nice warm scarf (like my clapotis) with my jean jacket or suede jacket is perfect coverage. The wooly accessories mean you don't have to wear as bulky a coat.

I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying the area. I know I do and I think Fall is my favorite. And here, you get to wear your pretty scarves and hats and you will be very glad to have them! I find that a nice warm scarf (like my clapotis) with my jean jacket or suede jacket is perfect coverage. The wooly accessories mean you don't have to wear as bulky a coat.

Indeed, moo.


Great pictures, very autumn and fun. I love that thing Panda is playing with. Where did you get it?

Oh, I am so jealous. I am dying to move to Oregon. I needed some nature inspiration so thank you!

Stunning photographs! I love all the foliage. And Panda, too!


Visited Portland for the first time 10 days ago and was impressed by how green it is, even downtown. So many parks, all so accessible, from Tryon to the more manicured ones on the other side of town. Enjoyed the signs "Keep Portland Weird" -- indeed, you should!

I'm always game to see pictures of your adorable Panda! Thanks for sharing pictures of such a beautiful fall day.

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your day, no wonder I want to move there!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 24, 2006 5:48 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Scenic.

The next post in this blog is First carved pumpkin.

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