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Haystack Rock

We've driven to Cannon Beach on several occasions in the past, but have always entered on the northern side at Ecola Park.

Here's a little Google Map satellite view of our normal route. The water line has been really high lately so there's normally not this much sand, but you get the idea.

Sunday, we went this route in hopes of finally getting to see that rock we're always taking pictures of.

Well, the day could not have been more beautiful and we have the pictures to prove it.

See them all here.

And if you want a little laugh, check out Panda's diversion, en route to the beach, after the bump.

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Comments (20)

Wow -- the route up looks so pretty with snow on it! We always go there in the summer of course, which doesn't mean that the water is at all acceptable for swimming. The dogs do love the beach though, and I see Panda is in total agreement! Once my friend (who is studying to be a nurse) accidentally called it "Ebola state park" hehe. I think she was tired because she had just run the hood to coast relay... Thanks for sharing the pics though -- I love to see the beach in the sun whether it's winter or summer :)

Wow -- the route up looks so pretty with snow on it! We always go there in the summer of course, which doesn't mean that the water is at all acceptable for swimming. The dogs do love the beach though, and I see Panda is in total agreement! Once my friend (who is studying to be a nurse) accidentally called it "Ebola state park" hehe. I think she was tired because she had just run the hood to coast relay... Thanks for sharing the pics though -- I love to see the beach in the sun whether it's winter or summer :)


OMG was that a post by Julia? where have you been? every few days i check in to see if you've posted and i always come away sad and disappointed. please return to blogging soon, i miss you!
(cute Panda, too)


OMG was that a post by Julia? where have you been? every few days i check in to see if you've posted and i always come away sad and disappointed. please return to blogging soon, i miss you!
(cute Panda, too)

What a nut! Mine will only stick their noses in the snow and snort. Over and over and over.

What a place you have there! I love the lack of...well...people! Panda sure knows her way around the beach. So much for behaving;)

I love you, Panda !

The "conversation" photo is a true winner.


lol! i've been there and work for the agency that's responsible for those rocks. as i was scrolling through your pics i was saying to myself, "i wonder if they climbed on haystack. i hope they didn't go behind the sign. they wouldn't do that with a dog and all the signs about the birds." ha! guess i was wrong. ;)


My God, so freaking cute I can barely stand it! That's one happy dog. :)


I want a Panda...for serious. You know, my dog does that happy dog roll in my husbands armpits. We can't figure out best guess is he likes Old Spice and wants to smell good, too.

Oh, Panda's having fun! That's adorable!


I remember reading in my guidebook when we were at Haystack Rock that you used to be able to climb up to the top of the rock on a pathway that had been cut into it. A while back though the local government blew up the pathway as they were having to rescue people off the rock all the time at high tide!

We have our Canon Beach photos framed and on the wall now, I stop and look at them daily, can't wait to get back!


Awww - so cute - Panda rolls like a pro!

oh, I know that look Panda is giving Leo -- Bella gives Jacob that gaze of adoration all the time. CUTECUTECUTE.

i've been to haystack rock! i went to oregon to be a bridesmaid for a former friend about 9 years ago, and one thing we did the day before the wedding was go to the beach. it was october 10th, and i still waded in the water! (i'm fearless that way, lol) then we went up to seaside, and i got the kids a few souvenirs (who knows if they still have them or not, lol) it was a glorious day. looks like it was a glorious day for you too.


Oh my god I miss the ocean! Thanks so much for sharing :). I can't wait for summer so I can go there!

Awww. Zosia wishes she were there to fetch in the surf and roll in the snow, too!

Those pictures are beautiful. Panda looks like he is loving it!

sooooooooo cuuuuuuuute!! Oh tht Panda, she just made my day!


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