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I'm just heading out to a Chicago. My flight in last night was delayed a couple hours, but I made it here in one piece. If I can manage to walk across the street without falling on my arse, I'll consider it a successful trip.

Since I got in at the time I should have gone to bed and my meeting is mere minutes away, I don't have time for a proper post, so instead I'll tell you to march your bum on over to MJ's site and check out her new pattern. I've already made one for myself and I love it. It kept my head toasty warm last night, in this brutal Chicago weather.

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Comments (2)


We watched CNN last night and saw the weather. Brr!!! Hope you're staying nice and warm, Marnie! Thanks for the great tech editing on Inspir(al)ed!


Cute hat - wish I'd had that pattern when I made a hat for my DD - I used the Koolhaas pattern from the IK Holiday issue but this looks less fiddly. Yeaah, brutal is the only word to describe our winter this year - and I usually love winter - but this year has been too much - too much snow, too much cold & much too long. I'm ready for nicer weather!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 26, 2008 6:23 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Inspir(al)ed.

The next post in this blog is Tatting for 1700 miles.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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