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Who knew people wanted to knit hot pants? You guys are awesome. In the 4 days the pattern has been up, it's been downloaded over 300 times, which I think is pretty fabby. A few folks have also made donation, which is generous and wonderful. Thank you so much.

This is part of my download stats page from Ravelry. If you are wondering why there are two Assets of Evo files it's because the first version had a missing hyperlink in the resource section. It wasn't important enough to make an announcement but I thought I'd update it nonetheless.

In doggy news, Leo found us a new little stretch of the Oregon Coast. As always, we hit Manzanita, which is great because it's beautiful, plenty of room to play and Thea gets to socialize. But after, Leo wound his way through some back roads and landed us at a secluded little stretch of where only one other person and her dog were playing. All in all, a great day out.

Beach trip

1. IMG_0247.JPG, 2. IMG_0023.JPG, 3. IMG_0218.JPG, 4. IMG_0242.JPG, 5. IMG_0159.JPG, 6. IMG_0120.JPG, 7. IMG_0134.JPG, 8. IMG_0125.JPG, 9. IMG_0094.JPG, 10. IMG_0110.JPG, 11. IMG_0067.JPG, 12. IMG_0059.JPG, 13. IMG_0034.JPG14. IMG_0067.JPG 15. IMG_0059.JPG 16. IMG_0034.JPG

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

See all the pictures here:

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Comments (10)

hi marnie, just love visiting your blog site, love all the photos, btw, how do you made the photos pile in this blog entry? would love to learn how do that.
I admire your knitting talent, wish I could knit like you.
thanks for sharing all those wonderful moments, and patterns.


I stumbled across your website through Cafe Press. I found your super cute design of the border collie that reminds me so much of my own. Yours is a cutie, and thanks for the design.

Meet Leela:

I cop to downloading it. Man, I need to run more. :-)


One of those downloads would be me! Just need to get some yarn and some nice legs next!


Love the pups at the beach photos. I was at my daughter's house last week when you posted the previous pictures & my granddaughter (who will be 2 in about 6 weeks) LOVED the puppy photos. She wriggled with excitement - just like a puppy would!

Congrats on your pattern! The shawl came out nice, too. I like using sock yarns for scarves and shawls. Really like the beach photos - for some reason am really liking the center image: the post with stacked rocks.

Thanks for sharing... they look super and I'm looking forward to making a pair.


eehaw! that's awesome. they are H O T !!


The hot pants are gorgeous. Can't wait to cast them on. your coast pics really make me feel like going. I live in Eugene, about an hour drive from the central Oregon Coast, and I haven't visited since spring. I better hurry though. I don't know how long this weather will hold. Thanks!

I am so excited about this hot pants. Like, whoa.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 29, 2008 4:07 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Woohoo.

The next post in this blog is Spindlicity is back.

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