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Spindlicity is back

Hey, guess who's back and looking better than ever?

I even have a pattern in this edition.

I actually designed this way back when, right after I designed my Lake Park Hat and Gloves. In fact, I designed it so long ago, it was before we adopted Ms. Theano-Purl. (Excuse me while I get a little nostalgic for puppy cuteness and then remember what a huge pain in the keister she was and how much more delightful she is now.)

Anyway, I haven't had a chance to actually look through the whole site but what I've seen looks great. Yay for the return of Spindlicity.

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Comments (8)

Thanks for letting us know and congratulations on another great pattern.

Awesome, I'm off to check that out right now!!

Guess that was before your fierce face too, huh?

Very cute though anyway.

Thanks for letting us know ! I'll have a look at all the articles and features as soon as I can !! :-P

Wow, congratulations!

Thanks for the heads up. I was just at their site a week or so ago wondering why they had abandoned it.

Very exciting! And I hadn't heard of this publication either, but will be looking for it.


i don't spin, so i haven't heard of the magazine, but congrats! and i feel the same way about duncan as you do about thea. he drove me nuts when we first adopted him, but now he is such a joy :)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 1, 2008 5:50 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Spindlicity is back.

The next post in this blog is A compelling reason to buy the pattern.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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