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« If you haven't yet, you should | Main | With all due respect »

If you haven't yet, you should

Oregon is entirely vote by mail, so I've already sent in my ballot. For those of you who haven't yet voted, please do. I realize that not everyone who reads my site will be supporting the democratic ticket, but I certainly am.

And with that said, I'm nervously optimistic.

These charts from, November 3, 2008.

Waiting to see how this all unfolds is nerve wracking. Here's hoping the decision is clear, long before I head to bed on Tuesday.

But I digress.

Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote.

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Comments (9)

Amy in StL:

I'd love if we could vote early. The line was over an hour long at 7am this morning.


i voted this morning and am also anxiously awaiting the results. i hope that there will be a clear winner by tonight.

also, oregon is vote by mail only? interesting!


I too am nervous about the outcome. I just hope that Obama wins as handily as he won his Senate seat. Even before Alan Keyes was his opponent, he was leading by 23% - I think that he eventually got close to 80% of the votes. Most of us in Illinois really love the guy.

Nervously optimistic is the perfect way to describe how I feel, too! I voted this morning and it felt great! But, it's gonna be a LONG day...

I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge. If we win, I will toast to the hope of a better world. If we loose, I'll drink myself into a stupor. :)

We voted last Wednesday (3 hours from start to finish). And we voted Obama.

I don't know whether to be hopeful and risk being disappointed, or just resigned to whatever comes. At least it should all be over soon.

I can´t but I´m with you. It´s so important... :)


I'm so antsy I'm sitting on my hands to keep from chewing my nails (which I haven't done since I was 5 - a measure of how nervous I am!) Come on NC, come on America - we can do it!!

We have been following the news closely. Hope your favourite wins!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 3, 2008 8:51 PM.

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The next post in this blog is With all due respect.

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